Paladin gjenstander
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Paladin gjenstander er spesielle våpen som din paladin kan bruke. Gjenstandene vil du finne over tid! Våpenkammeret vil vise deg hvor stor framgang du måtte ha mot å finne et nytt våpen. Denne vil øke med 3% hver dag, men vil også øke basert på antall enheter du bekjemper.
Paladinen vil kun få effekten gjenstandene gir dersom han har det på seg, og det vil kun være mulig å bruke èn gjenstand om gangen.
Våpenkammeret vil kun være tilgjengelig på noen verdener, samt at det finnes to forskjellige "stiler" når det kommer til gjenstander - gammel og ny.
Sveitsisk Hellebard
Nye våpen
- Øker angrepsstyrken hos dine spydmenn med 30%
- Øker forsvarsstyrken hos dine spydmenn med 20%
Gamle våpen
- Øker angrepsstyrken hos dine spydmenn med 30%
- Øker forsvarsstyrken hos dine spydmenn med 20%
Ullrichs Langsverd
Nye våpen
- Øker angrepsstyrken til dine sverdmenn med 40%
- Øker forsvarsstyrken til dine sverdmenn med 30%
Gamle våpen
- Øker angrepsstyrken til dine sverdmenn med 30%
- Øker forsvarsstyrken til dine sverdmenn med 20%
Thorgard's battle axe
Nye våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your axemen by 40%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your axemen by 30%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your axemen by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your axemen by 20%
Nimrod's long-bow
Nye våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your archers by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your archers by 20%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your archers by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your archers by 20%
Kalid's telescope
Nye våpen
- Scouts can see units from the scouted village that are not at home.
Gamle våpen
- Scouts can see units from the scouted village that are not at home.
Mieszko's lance
Nye våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your light cavalry by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your light cavalry by 20%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your light cavalry by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your light cavalry by 20%
Baptiste's Banner
Nye våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your heavy cavalry by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your heavy cavalry by 20%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your heavy cavalry by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your heavy cavalry by 20%
Nimrod's composite bow
Nye våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your mounted archers by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your mounted archers by 20%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the offensive fighting power of your mounted archers by 30%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your mounted archers by 20%
Carol's morning star
Nye våpen
- Increases the damage caused by rams by 100%
- The wall can be damaged more in the first fighting phase
Gamle våpen
- Increases the damage caused by rams by 100%
Aletheia's Bonfire
Nye våpen
- Increases the damage by catapults by 100%
- Increases the defensive fighting power of your catapults by 1000%
Gamle våpen
- Increases the damage by catapults by 100%
Vasco's Scepter
New style benefits
- The nobleman lowers the loyalty by at least 30.
Old style benefits
- The nobleman lowers the loyalty by at least 30.