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{{Kartan|2|Hur du får en karta upp till storleken 15x15 fält}}
{{Kart|2|Kartets størrelse}}
Genom en inställning så kan du få en kartupplösning på 15x15 fält.
Sektorkartet kan innstilles fra standarden på 7x7 til 15x15 ruter. Slik kan du få et mye bedre bilde av omgivelsene dine.

{{Markera spelare|3|Hur du markerar spelare}}
{{Markere spillere|3|Merk en spiller med en farge}}
Du kan göra så att du kan framhäva spelare kartan om du till exempel vill se din stamkompis i en egen färg.
Du kan fremheve spillere på kartet ved hjelp av farger. Dette gir deg en mye bedre oversikt over lokaliseringen av dine venner og fiender. Du ser også et lite symbol kartet som markerer hvilke landsbyer du angriper akkurat nå.

{{Paragraph|4|Adjustable quick bar}}
{{Paragraph|4|Adjustable quick bar}}

Sideversjonen fra 19. nov. 2010 kl. 05:01

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Fordeler med premiumkonto

Bygningskø; gjør det mulig å legge til flere enn to bygninger i bygningskøen. Med det kan du på en enklere måte utnytte hovedkvarterets fulle kapasitet. Du kan også sette flere oppgaver i kø i smia.

Sektorkartet kan innstilles fra standarden på 7x7 til 15x15 ruter. Slik kan du få et mye bedre bilde av omgivelsene dine.

Mal:Markere spillere Du kan fremheve spillere på kartet ved hjelp av farger. Dette gir deg en mye bedre oversikt over lokaliseringen av dine venner og fiender. Du ser også et lite symbol på kartet som markerer hvilke landsbyer du angriper akkurat nå.

Mal:Paragraph The quick bar is a selection of user designated links both to other pages within TribalWars and pages outside of TribalWars. The quick bar can also be used for Approved Scripts. This allows the user to increase navigation speeds as well as interact with certain elements within the page via use of javascript.

Mal:Paragraph Drop down menus offering instant access to the various pages regarding settings, premium, rankings, the tribe, reports, mail, and overviews. Premium users mouse-over the visible links to view these additional links.

Mal:Paragraph Provides the user more detailed information about production, troop movements, and incoming troops. Group associations can also be found on the village overview.

Mal:Paragraph Different options for viewing village lists, including:

  • Combined - shows available farm space and troop counts in each village
  • Production - shows village points, available resources, and production ques
  • Transports - allows the user to see all incoming and outgoing resource transports as well as returning merchants, at a glance.
  • Troops - Gives several options for quick and easy location of troops belonging to all villages
  • Commands - Gives an overview of all troop commands and can be broken down into attacks, support, and returning
  • Incoming - Gives the user an instant view of all incoming attacks and support, also includes tools for quick and easy renaming of troop movements.
  • Buildings - Gives an overview of the current level of all buildings in all villages at once.
  • Research - allows the user to quickly see which researches are completed in each village
  • Groups - Allows the user to see what villages are part of each user assigned group as well as allows the user to change multiple village groupings at once.

Mal:Paragraph Switch instantly between all villages, and never lose what your doing. Either scroll through all villages, without losing the screen you're on or instantly switch from one village to another via a pop-up window that lists all villages. Never again have to return to the overviews screen between each village.

Mal:Paragraph Reports give options such as inserting troop counts into the simulator with a single click, repeating resource transports or attacks from the report page.

Mal:Paragraph Includes ability to check what resources your troops can return with, get from a report troops numbers and take from a village troops number or research levels!

Mal:Paragraph Keep all plans and notes safe here!

Mal:Paragraph Easier way to speak to people including circular!

Mal:Paragraph Easily manage reports into user defined groups.

Mal:Paragraph Have a personally identifiable coat of arms representing you or your tribe! If you are a baron or a duke you can also add a tribal coat of arms for your tribe's profile.

Mal:Paragraph Change how your village looks like.

Mal:Paragraph Account will not be deleted even if the user does not log on for an extended period. Until two weeks after the premium account has run out.

Mal:Paragraph As with any game or service, Tribal Wars requires funds to support game development, server hosting, forums hosting, etc. These funds come from the purchase of premium accounts.

Mal:Paragraph Helpful if you need to upgrade a new village. You can add up to 5 items into the queue.

Mal:Paragraph You can store by groups or by all. This is the fast way to store your bundles or mint coins.

Mal:Paragraph Different options on the attack screen such as renaming reports.

Mal:Paragraph You have access to a large amount of scripts that speed up your game play


You can rename or hide attacks. This is especially useful when you are facing large numbers of attacks against you.